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"Bluebells" in the enchanted Kinclaven Bluebell Wood

I have always dreamed of visiting and photographing a forest full of bluebells. Of course, the first place that comes into one minds is England. The English are crazy about bluebells, which I can totally understand. When my umpteenth trip to Scotland was approaching, I thought that if the peak flowering period in England is in April, then it would certainly be fine in Scotland in May. Luckily for me, my intuition was right and one of Scotland's largest stands of bluebells, the Kinclaven Bluebell Wood, was even on our original route north. So we headed straight from the airport towards Perth, which is about an hour away.

The weather was also at its best, which is not a given in Scotland (LOL), and the sight of the first bluebells left me speechless. This natural spectacle is simply breathtaking. You have the impression of diving into another world that seems to consist only of the colors purple and green. Carpets of purple flowers cover the forest floor and transform this otherwise certainly beautiful forest into a superlative floral oasis.

Those of you who are fans of the Netflix series "Outlander" or have read the world-famous books by Diane Gabaldon will find a special treat. Season 4 was filmed in Kinclaven Bluebell Wood...

I don't know how many pictures I took, but there were a lot...

Scotland did not disappoint once again - such a highlight, a good 2 hours after landing in Edinburgh - what could be better than such a brilliant start to the holiday?!

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