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The butterfly flower

Updated: Apr 14

Once upon a time there was a butterfly who wore the most beautiful purple dress imaginable.

Everyone admired him for it and he danced high into the sky.

He was so absorbed in his impetuous joy that he recognized too late the storm that darkened the day.

The driving rain hurts his delicate dress and he finds refuge on a beautiful delicate flower. The days pass, his wings heal, and the love between the two very different beings becomes deeper and deeper. How is he supposed to dance into the sky without her ?

Would that still be the same? What had previously seemed so important to him no longer mattered. He doesn't want to leave her, no matter how much he longs for heaven.

And so the butterfly stays with its flower, and its wings and its petals merge into one another, and a new creature is born - the butterfly flower.


Soon available in the shop as a fine art photo card...

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